Thursday, January 3, 2013

New thing #1

KitchenAid KHB100ER Hand Blender, Empire Red

Oh hey, it's me - and I already did one new thing this year! Okay, it's kind of a stretch, but for now it counts ;)

I used my new hand blender to make soup - yippee! The best part is that it is the most delicious soup ever.
Butternut squash, potatoes, celery, carrots, and veggie stock. All squished together to make a super tasty orange colored flavor explosion.

My aunt surprised me and got me this sweet hand blender for Christmas, and now I'm in love with it. Plus, it's red. Who doesn't love red?

Wednesday, January 2, 2013


I've come up with a plan!
My 2013 resolution is to do 1 new thing every month.

I think I can be pretty flexible with that :) Anything from learning a song on my guitar, to cooking something different, or reading something out of the ordinary, or drawing, or taking a stab at photography, or crochet-ing! Yeah - I think I like this resolution. I will get back to you as details emerge (from my brain).


Hey - you made it! We made it to the year 2013. Hip hip!

I was reading over the "resolutions" I set for myself this time last year. Whoops, kinda dropped the ball on that one. But hey, I won't beat myself up too much over it. 2012 was a busy year! Let's see...highlights from 2012: I moved out of my parent's house and in with my girlfriend. Skydiving. Got a big girl job. Started flossing my teeth regularly. No cavities! Camping. Parents: divorce. Decided I want to go back to school. Home-brewed 3 batches of beer.

Those are a few things that come to mind. Things are much different now than they were last year. And for the most part, it's looking up from here.

Do I make resolutions for 2013?
We'll see :)