Today much time was spent searching Craigslist for jobs. A fruitless endeavor it turned out to be! Unless depression is a fruit. I am surprised that my frisbee fellow hasn't gotten back to me about the job situation, I was hoping that would lead to something - even just an interview! Ahhh well, just have to keep looking elsewhere.
Went to a couple of animal shelters in the city this past weekend. I only cried about 4 times. Haha I am so dramatic. But seriously, some of the faces these dogs made were just punch you in the heart sad. I wanted to take them all home. I fell in love with a brown and white lab/german shepherd mix pup. She was sleeping next to another pup and they were HOLDING HANDS. Ahhhhh so cute.
Last day of frisbee is tomorrow. Lots of stuff for me to do tomorrow. Pick up my *new* bridesmaid dress (in the appropriate size), mow the lawn, go to Target, and perhaps go make some food for my sickly girlfriend. That would be nice of me. Met her parents yesterday. NERVOUS LEAH. I suppose it could have gone worse. I think they have neutral feelings towards me. Meh.
Okay. My dryer beeps at me.
Is that your high school picture? I'm sad frisbee man didn't get back to you!