Friday, December 16, 2011


10 a.m. Friday morning. Maybe one of my favorite times of the week. Office holiday party today, then Christmas movie double feature at the music box theater :) This week has had a consistent stream of anxiety so I am more than happy the weekend is coming. Back when I made my first serious attempt at quitting smoking in April, I went to the doc and got an Rx for Zyban (haaaaaated it btw). Anyway, had a doc appointment the other day, they gave me some papers with records etc. Without looking over them much I set the pile in my kitchen. Apparently my mom read something that discussed the smoking cessation treatment and last night she confronted me about it. It's still so awkward to think about. Also still up in the air. We are dealing with it the best way we know how, by avoiding it. Ugh.

Today I am wearing a new skirt and boots! Kind of un-Leah like things but I love em so far. High waist grey skirt with high black boots. The boots have a little wedge which I normally think is ugly, but these don't offend my sense of style yet. Haha. My skirt looks kinda like this one (maybe a lil shorter?):

CHRISTMAS IS COMING! Jeez, sorry for yelling, but I thought you should really know. I have finished so much of my shopping already! Got stuff for my dad, mom, and brother. Bought my family gift exchange present, and my secret santa gift for the other side of the family. Unfortunately I'm still waiting for a few things to come in the mail, but they still have about a week to get here. Leaving for grandparent's house on Thursday night after work.

Pinned Image
Silhouette how-to
I'm pretty nervous about my gift idea for ThePanda. I got the inspiration from Pinterest (obviously), but I'm not super crafty and I am really sparse on free time. Anyway, this bird picture is the thing that got me thinking. The person who did this first made a collage using random pictures from magazines, used a stencil she liked and painted around it.

My plan is a little different: I bought a small-ish picture from Goodwill, and am going to create my own stencil of some penguins (ThePanda likes penguins), and paint around them. It shouldn't be too difficult - that is once I actually get started. My first step was working out an idea, 2nd step was buying the picture, now I just have to figure out how to draw some penguins, buy paint, and giterdone! I'll post a picture of the finished product of course :)

Okay, back to work for me! Happy friday.

1 comment:

  1. I literally gasped when I read the part about your mom - so sorry! I like your penguin idea - I also love penguins!! :o)

    For Love of Cupcakes
